

About Troop 928

A Message to New or Prospective Members

Welcome to Boy Scout Troop 928!  Whether you are crossing over from Webelos Scouts, transferring from another Boy Scout troop, or entering Scouting for the first time, the experience you are about to embark upon has the potential to be one of the most memorable, rewarding experiences of your lifetime.  And, what’s really unique about this program is that it is led by the boys themselves!

Troop 928 has a robust program with a very wide variety of activities available to the Scouts.  The troop has a campout almost every month of the year.  One month the troop may be rock climbing and rappelling; another month they may be water skiing; on other campouts the focus may be on basic Scout skills such as first aid, knot tying, cooking, or fire building.  Frequently our program also includes, at some point in the year, activities focused on shooting sports, wilderness survival, and leadership development.  The activities on the schedule each year depend on what the boys decide to include in their program.

Summer time offers some even more exciting opportunities.  Typically we organize one or two summer camps to locations ranging from Texas to Colorado, to Arkansas.  For older Scouts (14 and up), high adventure trips are organized that might involve backpacking, sailing, scuba diving, white water rafting, or canoeing.  These are high-octane events that challenge the Scouts both physically and mentally while producing life-long memories!

Fundamental to the structure of the program is the concept that the troop is boy-led.  This does not mean that the boys are in charge and whatever happens just happens.  Rather, consistent with the original intent of Baden Powell, the founder of the worldwide Scouting movement, it means that the boys lead the troop under the direction of an adult leader.  When the first Scout units were established, Baden Powel observed:  “We then made the discovery that boys, when trusted and relied on, were just as capable and reliable as men.”  At Troop 928, we fully endorse the boy-led concept and are committed to supporting the boy leadership so that they may be successful and effective in their efforts.

For those who want to enhance their leadership skills even more, Boys Scouts of America (BSA) offers additional leadership training opportunities including National Youth Leadership Training (NYLT), offered locally, and National Advanced Youth Leadership Training Experience (NAYLE) at Philmont Scout Ranch in Cimarron, New Mexico.  These two programs provide world-class leadership training delivered in an outdoor setting.

Parent involvement is an integral part of the Scouting program and key to the success of our troop.  We cannot do this program without the support and active participation of all parents.  We encourage the parents of our Scouts to become involved either on the organization and administration side through participation on our Troop Committee or as Assistant Scoutmasters working directly with the boys in the program. 

We are excited that you have decided to join the Boy Scouts and in particular Troop 928.  We look forward to working with you and we know you are in for the experience of a lifetime!

Please feel free to contact us anytime you have questions or need additional information:

                   Nate Davis, Scoutmaster                          Bret Heintz, Committee Chair

                    scoutmaster@troop928.org                       committechair@troop928.org